Just One Drop Screening – 07.04.2017

Just One Drop: A film about homeopathy screening announcement


The screening of Just One Drop: The History, the Mystery. The Controversy  will take place in Bratislava at Ekonomická univerzita on 7th April 2017 at 6.30 p.m.


The screening is sponsored/hosted by Slovak Chamber of Homeopaths.

Free entry.


Homeopathy is a specific form of medicine that uses minute doses of a highly diluted substance that stimulates the body to cure itself. To many, homeopathy seems implausible. They fear it is purely a placebo effect or worse: a form of deception or quackery.


Yet, homeopathy has been around for over 200 years and used by millions around the world. JUST ONE DROP does not try to prove or disprove whether homeopathy works or doesn’t work. But it does aim to give homeopathy a voice, a voice that has been ridiculed and maligned for over 200 years.


JUST ONE DROP explores the controversy, and dispels myths and misconceptions about this special system of medicine. The film was made as an educational resource for anyone with a chronic illness, mothers with young children, those with elderly parents, and people who are frustrated by conventional medicine.


JUST ONE DROP is not just for proponents of  homeopathy. Homeopathy skeptics have their questions raised and their point of view addressed in the film. Producer/director Laurel Chiten notes that Just One Drop raises a lot of questions, provokes emotions and inspires dialogue. It is my hope the film will stimulate a discussion and start to bridge the communication gap between conventional medicine and  homeopathy.”



  • When their son Lucas is diagnosed with autism, a family set out on a mission to bring their boy back. Finding few answers in conventional medicine, they turn to homeopathy.
  • A New York filmmaker, turns the camera on himself as he documents his own story with the potentially lethal MRSA known as “The Super Bug.”
  • In modern day England, homeopathy has been a part of their National Health System for over half a century. However, skeptics are aggressively lobbying to put homeopathy out of business for good.
  • Meanwhile, in London, scientists Alex Tournier and Rachel Roberts run the Homeopathy Research Institute. Founded to address the need for rigorous scientific investigations into homeopathy and to explore why this medicine works.
  • In Australia. a major government agency undertook an extensive review investigating the effectiveness of homeopathy. In 2015 they released their results: “There is no reliable evidence that homeopathy works”. Gerry Dendrinos, a homeopath and former government employee suspects this review is flawed and begins an investigation in an attempt to uncover the truth. India, we learn about the integration of homeopathy and conventional medicine in hospitals.
  • In America we explore the little known history when USA was one of the world leaders of homeopathy.
  • Woven throughout the film, we hear from spokespeople from both sides of the issue: impassioned testimonials from patients and equally passionate commentaries from critics. The film offers no final definitive answers, but now viewers will be better informed and in a position to decide for themselves.

ABOUT THE FILMMAKER : DIRECTOR/PRODUCER Laurel Chiten (Blind Dog Films) has been critiquing and influencing social issues for over 25 years. Her high profile films have screened at film festivals around the world; at universities and medical schools; won numerous awards; been nominated for an Emmy and been broadcast on PBS’s Emmy winning national series, Independent Lens, and POV. Her previous films have gained her acknowledgment and respect from doctors, researchers and institutions including Harvard Medical School, UCLA, MIT, and Harvard University

Her films include: Twisted (©2006) T ouched (©2003 ) T he Jew in the Lotus (©1998) T witch and Shout (© 1994) Emmy nominated. Reconnected (© 2011), M y Travels with Oliver (© 2016) The intention of her work is to entertain her audiences while educating them. ]


Website: www.justonedropfilm.com

email: justonedropfilm@gmail.com



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