JONATHAN HARDY 8. – 10.6.2018 in Bratislava

SPIDERS and SNAKES – common features and differentiating qualities, specific remedies from both groups. Several cases of INSECTS

Dr. Jonathan Hardy continues his amazing series of seminars in Slovakia by explaining common themes and specific features of remedies from groups of spiders and snakes.

You will learn the common themes and you will see cases from each of these groups. The cases will be on video, edited for brevity and clarity. You will receive extensive handouts of the group themes and materia medica of the remedies. Jonathan is marvellous teacher with his systematic approach, genial observations (e.g. specific gestures of groups of remedies) and clear videocases. His seminars are extraordinary occasion to learn new info which can be immediately used in practice.

EKONOMICKÁ UNIVERZITA (University of Economics), Dolnozemská cesta 1, Bratislava. If you stay at hotel Aston, take a bus No. 98 from the bus stop “Mliekarenska” in front of hotel and descend at the second bus stop “Ekonomicka univerzita” (first bus stop after crossing the Danube river by Apollo bridge). Economic university is on the opposit side of street Dolnozemska cesta where bus stops. 

Hotel: We can book you a room in 4 stars hotel ASTON for a discounted rate (double room 45 € per night, without breakfast and parking, which are not obligatory).

Time schedule:
08. 06. 2018: 12.00 – 18.30 (since 11:00 registration of participants)
09. 06. 2018: 9.00 – 18.30
10. 06. 2018: 9.00 – 14.00.

Seminar fee: 3 -day seminar: 95,- EUR

00-421 905 501 798 (Dr. Vladimir Petroci)


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