William Suerinck – 07.- 09. 4. 2017

“Homeopathy in psychiatry”

Dr William Suerinck from Marseille is a French psychiatrist treating his patients homeopathically with amazing results. His homeopathic education began to receive from his father, a homeopathic physician who was a student of Pierre Schmidt. Over the years, Dr. William Suerinck developed his own approach to the practice of homeopathy, synthesizing various streams of classical homeopathy, especially Sankaran´s and Masi´s approach. Dr. William Suerinck teaches in several French schools of homeopathy.

In Bratislava Dr. William Suerinck will show videocases of psychiatric patients and explain his approach to their homeopathic treatment.Detailed Program of Dr William Suerinck’s  seminar in Bratislava

The purpose of the seminar is to present an integrative approach of homeopathy built on a 30 years practicing, mainly in psychiatry.

Dr William Suerinck relies on a variety of clinical cases to clearly explain the interest of each method.

–          The use ofthe  Repertoryremains essential.

–          TheDr Elisalde Masi’s method will be presented in a synthetic way. His specific approach of the Materia Medica provides a profound comprehension of the essence  of  human suffering. His “Miasmatic Dynamic” give us an understanding of the contradictory aspects of our Remedys, and offer a precise and shaded perception of their “Genius”. At last, this method is particularly useful for the qualitative evaluation of the following through.

–          The study ofthe specificities of the substance,of the Source– whether they are physical, chemical, botanical or biological – is very useful for the understanding of the remedy’s choice.

–         The vital sensation methoddeveloped byDr R. Sankaran, as well as the systemic use  proposed byJan Scholtenhave brought a tremendous tribute to its practicing.

His CaseTaking  will be tackled in details.

All of the 3 kingdoms will be considered, as well as most of the pathologies met in the Mental diseases field in the children and in the adults.

–         Adults: Serious Reaction Depression; Bipolar Disorders, Suicidal Crisis,  Phobias, Psychosis, alcoholism, Personality Disorders like borderline type , Burn out.

–         Children and Teens: Behavior  Disorders, Auto mutilation

Dr William Suerinck also had to treat few patients suffering from Cancer and Chronic and Severe diseases.

The follow-up of the cases is most of the time on several years.

The case presentation will be dynamic, living and interactive, based on reported observations. Some clinical cases will be presented in video.

Polychrests and “Small remedys” will be reviewed in the light of Masi’s approach. The understanding of the essence of most of remedys  will be detailed.

About40 clinical cases,acute or chronic, will be presented among the following remedies :

–         In the vegetal kingdom: Aethusa ,Baptisia , Coffea ,  Drosera, Sarracenia  Ruta, Mancinella, Cystus canadensis, Myrica cerifera, Sarsaparilla, Coca, Olibanum Sacrum, Opium, Piper methysticum, Veratrum Album, Staphysagria, Lycopodium, Pinus contorta.

–         In the animal kingdom : Aranea diadema, Androctonus,  falco peregrinus, ara macao, lac lupinum, lac leoninum, lac defloratum,Lac caninum ,   naja, crotalus, python , helix aspersa ., spongia,sepia

–         In the mineral kingdom : Carboneum Sulfuratum,  Magnesia Muriatica et Silicata  , Argentum met, Cadm sulf,  Manganum, Dysprosium. Positronium, Chloroformium. Adamas. Picricum acidum, nitricum acidum, plumbum metallicum. Sulfur, Mercurius, Arsenicum, Platina.

–         As for nosodes : Carcinosinum, medorrhinum, Tuberculinum.

The focus is put on the integrative method of the Case Taking, and a synthetic presentation of the Masi’s method which allows a better understanding of the Genius of our remedies.

Venue: EKONOMICKÁ UNIVERZITA (University of Economics), Dolnozemská cesta 1, Bratislava. If you stay at hotel Nivy, take a bus at Bajkalska cesta (Bajkalska street) and descend from it at the first bus stop after crossing the Danube river. Economic university is on the opposit side of street Dolnozemska cesta as is a bus stop.

Hotel:We can book you a room in hotel Nivy for discounted group rate (double room 50 € per night).

Transportation notes:
Bratislava is a Capital of Slovakia, easily accessed by car, train and airplane. The nearest international airport is Vienna airport in Schwechat, 50 km from Bratislava. From Schwechat airport 2 times in an hour departs a bus to Bratislava just in front of arrivals.

Time schedule:
07. 4. 2017: 9.00 – 18.00

08. 4. 2017: 9.00 – 18.00
09. 4. 2017: 9.00 – 14.00

Seminar fee: 3-day seminar: 95,- EUR

Registration:Mobile: 00421 905 501 798 (Dr. Vladimir Petroci)


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